Logistic Support and Projection Vessel

To cover the ever-growing spectrum of missions achieved by navies and administrations (EEZ surveillance, peacekeeping forces deployment, disaster relief or humanitarian crisis management), KERSHIP has developed the LSPV 90 new generation of MultiPurpose Vessels (MPV).

The LSPV 90 is a versatile ocean-going vessel designed for logistic support missions, joint forces projection and medical support. Her amphibious capabilities, large storage and cargo capacities make the ship particularly adapted to advanced support missions.

The LSPV 90 design is based on KERSHIP’s recognised experience in terms of MultiPurpose Vessels development.

Length 89.9 m
Breadth 16.7 m
Displacement 3,000 t


  • Design based on a sound experience in MPV construction
  • European shipbuilding standards and BV military rules compliance
  • Logistic and medical support, forces projection and humanitarian assistance
  • NATO Role 2 onboard hospital
  • Versatile design for mission reconfiguration
  • 13 t class helideck
  • 2 embedded landing crafts
  • 2 integrated ro-ro ramps
  • Cost effective, robust, easy to operate and maintain