Departure of the first B2M for its base port of Nouméa

B2M Kership

Departure of the first unit of the three B2M (Multi-missions vessels), a programme being carried out by KERSHIP, a joint venture between PIRIOU and DCNS.

This Wednesday 11 May 2016 at 11:00 am, the new B2M (Multi-Mission Building) D’ENTRECASTEAUX left the metropolis and the Cité du Ponant for good.

Her crew has set course for the West for a long voyage that will take them as far as New Caledonia at the end of July. She will then sail to her new base port of Noumea, from where she will carry out her future missions of presence, surveillance and protection of French interests in an exclusive economic zone of more than 1.6 million km².

Source French Navy

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